BTM leads Web Portal project for DDAS.

The objective of this initiative is to have an on-line and interactive communication channel between DDAS and the client companies. The tool, easy to use and access, allows you to carry out procedures through the web, facilitating the transfer of information, validations, monitoring and improvement in response times.

One of the services of the Web Portal is the interactive on-line schedule. This module adds the following benefits to the current operation:

  • Sending and receiving settlement documentation through secure communication channels.
  • Standardization of common tasks with assignment of responsibilities.
  • Availability of all information and documentation in a comprehensive and easy to access, avoiding wasting time in email searches.
  • Automatic alerts and notices about deadlines, expirations and changes in tasks.
  • Online information about the different changes in legal terms and resolutions at the time they are executed.
  • Requests for additions, cancellations and other requests integrated into the Schedule.

Information about DDAS: click here

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